
Big Little Breath Retreat Leadership Program

A six-month certification including a 5-night in-person retreat at Mount William Station in the Grampians, Victoria, March 30th - April 4th 2025.

Feb 12th - June 11th 2025


“To lead people, walk behind them” ~ Lao Tzu

Big Little Breath Retreat Leadership Program

for spiritful leaders, not spiritual gurus

When I was writing ‘Big Little Breath – a Travel Guide for your Spirit’, the energy that poured out of it wanted to be taught in a way that would breathe life into the stories and the reader.

Are you ready to lead retreats?

Are you already leading retreats and want a supportive community?

Are you longing to lead yourself with the power of breathing?

You may not see yourself as a leader, let alone a retreat leader. However, you don’t need to lead retreats to be considered a spiritful leader.

What is a spiritful leader?

A spiritful leader leads first with energy, intuition and breath before spiritual beliefs and opinions.

This means that there are no one-way rules, dogma, or systems.

Just your unique charm.

It’s time we own it.


Below: Retreats lead by Tina Bruce - Nepal, Larapinta, Byron Bay

The six-month certification begins:

Wed Feb 12th - Wed June 11th 2025

  • 6 x 90 min Zoom group sessions

  • Maximum of 12 people

  • 5-night in-person retreat at Mount William Station in the Grampians, Victoria, Sunday March 30th - Friday April 4th.

  • A pre-release copy of the book ‘Big Little Breath’

  • Access via emails for ongoing mentoring support and accountability

  • Your own ‘Intuitive Mountain Map’ template to design your signature retreat in the training manual.

  • Access to a library of video content of practices, resources, processes & live meetings

  • Add on 1:1 mentoring

Mount William Station will host us on our 5-night retreat in the Grampians, Victoria,

Sunday March 30th - Friday April 4th 2025

What is this program about?

I use the word ‘leader’ because it includes those who teach, facilitate and support. However, for me, the meaning of leadership is shifting. It’s more about your ‘why’ than your title or occupation. It is being the example of intuition in action and creating the conditions for others to grow in.

Your friends, family and clients will be generously impacted by your inner safety and grounded breath as you learn how to support any person’s experience.

This program is an invitation to embark on a transformative journey. It’s an opportunity to learn directly from my years of leading retreats and holding group spaces. I’ve joyfully created this course because it’s the guidance I longed for when I followed the call ten years ago. 

Who is this program for?

This program will benefit experienced teachers, coaches, parents, creatives, therapists, artists, counsellors, entrepreneurs, doctors, authors and healers out there ready for something more, this program is the next step. It will allow you to expand your current offerings and take your clients deeper into a day/weekend/week-long retreat environment that enables a powerful impact.

Whether you wish to teach or simply aspire to deepen your own practice, this program will fine-tune your intuition to grow confidence in navigating life’s challenges. You’re motivated to heal both big and little traumas personally and collectively and build a better world for your own family and local community. We are wired in a way to become our own gurus and tap into this inner source of power.

I imagine this group to be filled with 12 people from different modalities and diverse backgrounds.

Our Soul Wander Retreat, Byron Bay, 2022

Why would you want to do this?

This inaugural premier program is for you if:

  • You long to change your entire relationship with your breath and renew your inner resources.

  • You have been on a retreat with me or attended a class and it was profound.

  • You want to discover your unique positioning as a retreat leader.

  • You are called to serve, not based on gaining followers, but on leading others. 

  • You want to express your courageous voice instead of shaping it around approval.

  • You need a solid and proven framework of spiritful tools and practices to apply to your own course and offerings.

  • You want to support an intimate trauma-informed energetic field for all voices to be seen and heard.

  • You embody the qualities of deep listening, calm connection and non-judgement creating the ideal conditions for a self to transform.

  • You want to write your own story and practice the art of storytelling.

  • You believe that having me as your leader is a worthwhile investment in your time, energy and money. 

  • You want a trusted woven circle of community support to grow with and be each other’s spiritful guardians.

Soul Wander Retreat, Byron Bay, 2022.

Retreats provide what the spirit demands: an ideal environment removed from regular roles and responsibilities to empower transformation and connections that are real and long-lasting.

Admittedly, I also have a selfish goal for this course. It comes from wanting to be a better retreat leader myself. Even knowing all the tools, study and practices, preparing to lead leaders is way easier than actually leading. So I’m throwing my spirit in the deep end. 

My other selfish reason boils down to this: I want to create a community with other retreat leaders who are awesome, deep-hearted and willing to do the work.

A retreat is not a health spa; it is a journey. It has a profound archetypal purpose – a beginning, a middle and an end. 

The mystics of all cultures and traditions have offered maps to guide us through our own consciousness. To support us through this growth that we’re both drawn to and terrified of at the same time.

Based on my own experiences, I have created the Intuitive Mountain Map as a template for you to explore your energetic layers and the subconscious beliefs and storylines that have disempowered you for too long. 

It’s the travel guide your spirit needs for releasing trauma and fear so that intuition and self-realisation can emerge. 

It is my wildest wish that it will transform your life and make a powerful impact for those around you. 

Our world is crying out for leaders who are compassionate and courageous storytellers, not perfectionist gurus. 

You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved. 

There’s never been a better time in humanity's history to choose yourself as a leader. 

*Waitlist for this program using the form button below:

When you enter your details below, you will be receive an email to apply directly when the retreat program opens. 

Who is this program NOT for?

  • You’re not prepared to be a ‘participant’ leader

  • You’re not willing to be accountable and support other spiritful humans

  • You want a course in business/marketing of retreats

  • You’re seeking a relaxing holiday

  • You expect a Facebook group

What you receive…


Why retreats?

Now that retreats are part of mainstream reality and on offer abundantly, even with expert preparation and experience, there will always be mistakes. I’ve made plenty of them. You can’t control the unexpected curve balls or other people’s reactions but you can control your response and your solid mountain ‘WHY’. 

This encourages people to keep returning to your retreats because you give them a sense of safety and trust. You co-create this safe space together because you are participating with them, not for them. You also create the conditions for strong bonds and friendships to emerge out of the experience, which is hands-down the best part.

Hosting a retreat is no small or casual thing. Whether it’s a one-day, weekend, or weeklong immersion, it’s a sacred time container of continuous space holding and requires all of your presence and energy. This includes both pre and post the event. It’s also totally worth it.

I celebrate all those with the courage to follow this calling, with a desire to heal themselves lead differently, and with the imagination to trailblaze a new revolution beyond outdated systems of spirituality. 

Do you dream this too?

Do you feel like you’re meant for more?

However you choose from here will follow the charm that is authentically YOU.

Are you travelling with me?

On retreat in Nepal, 2023

You will learn:


Breathwork is the most powerful tool I know to dissolve fear. When we understand that the body keeps the score, it is within the practices of Big Little Breathwork that undoes the big and little traumas keeping us in patterns of stress and staying small.

And it doesn’t stop at Breathwork. You will also learn how to apply:

  1. Your unique style of Leadership

  2. Breathwork facilitation

3. Shadow work

4. The ‘Intuitive Mountain Map’

Throughout this journey, we’ll be walking through the framework which forms the Intuitive Mountain Map.

In each energetic layer the map will reveal a specific fear challenging us to clear along with an archetype to empower us.

It will form the basis of a template from which you’ll design your own Retreat Program for your clients or Spiritful home practice program for yourself.


Your Investment

Early-bird - $5900 for CERTIFICATION (twin share option)

FULL PRICE - $6900 FOR CERTIFICATION (twin share option)

Early-bird - $7100 for CERTIFICATION (private room option)

FULL PRICE - $8100 FOR CERTIFICATION (private room option)

*Early-bird expires Nov 15th 2024*



This Includes:

  • 6 x 90 min online Zoom group sessions

  • 6 x day in-person all-inclusive high-end luxury retreat immersion at Mount William Station in the Grampians, Victoria, Sunday March 30th - Friday April 4th 2025.

  • A pre-release copy of the book ‘Big Little Breath’

  • Access via emails for ongoing mentoring support and accountability

  • Your own ‘Intuitive Mountain Map’ template to design your signature retreat in the training manual.

  • Library of resources, processes, practices and modules

*NB: flights, insurance and transfers to the retreat are not included.

The group size is limited to 12 people.

Waitlist for this program using the form button below:

When you enter your details below, you will be receive updates via email to apply directly when the retreat program opens.