Tina Bruce Yoga Teacher Author Intuitive Guide Melbourne

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Tina’s purpose is to empower people to trust their intuition so they can walk more confidently on their soul path.

Welcome Home

Hello, I’m Tina and I’m delighted to meet you. 

Empowering your transformation is my life’s work. 

I am an inspired walker and travel the world to experience different lands, spiritual traditions and cultures. 

I offer an intuitive approach to spiritual healing, trauma release, and emotional freedom that centres around the body’s wisdom and storytelling. I love teaching across multiple modalities and blend my decades of experience in intuition, writing, yoga, rebirthing breathwork and spinal energetics.

I’ll help you expand into your creative nature and take grounded aligned action.

One breath at a time.


Big Little Breath Retreat Leadership Program. A three-month program including a 5-night in-person retreat at Mount William Station in the Grampians, Victoria, March Sunday 30th - April Friday 4th.

Feb 12th - April 9th 2025


Group Yoga Classes

Tuesday Yin Yoga 11:00am - 12:00pm


Yin Yoga is quiet, still and works deep into the body with longer-held poses.

Each shape becomes a mini-meditation and improves the energy flow which encourages emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

These classes will create space for your intuition and truth to reveal itself. You will leave inspired.

Group Breathwork Classes

Tuesday Breathwork 9:30am - 10:45am


Conscious Connected Breathwork (Rebirthing) merges the inhale with the exhale to form a continuous cycle of energy. I blend storytelling, Breathwork, Spinal Energetics, mantra, mudras, yoga philosophy, intuitive guidance, sound & integrative meditation in group classes. 

My intention is to support you in a safe space so that you can receive the intuitive guidance you need.


The stories we share about motherhood shape and unite us.
They are powerful and transformative.

But what happens when motherhood isn’t what you expected? When you find yourself faced with unimaginable trauma, chronic pain and relentless addiction?

Mother’s Medicine tells the story of Tina’s journey through yoga to self acceptance, self healing and ultimately, recovery.

It is an inspiring story that explores the topic of a woman’s right to feel supported and be heard during birth and beyond.

Mother’s Medicine cracks open Australia’s health system and asks women everywhere to consider how we go within to access our own medicine: our intuition.
